
Button Group

Layout buttons to fit buttons snugly together.
With three Buttons, one ghosted and one of type info: {{< hackcss-buttongroup >}} {{< hackcss-button text="Left" />}} {{< hackcss-button type="info" >}}Middle{{< /hackcss-button >}} {{< hackcss-button text="Right" isghost="true" />}} {{< /hackcss-buttongroup >}} Left Middle Right With three Buttons styled using class attribute: <style>.btn-text button::after { content: attr(class) }</style> {{< hackcss-buttongroup class="btn-text" >}} {{< hackcss-button />}} {{< hackcss-button type="info" />}} {{< /hackcss-buttongroup >}} .btn-text button::after { content: attr(class) } With two Buttons inside a Form using formactions attribute: