Chicago Gang History
:: Jekyll / AdSense / Amazon SES
After 6 months working with to create a site themselves, the author of Chicago Gang History wasn’t seeing the kind of traffic they’d hoped for despite all their hard work. In fact, before I found them, Chicago Gang History had had less than 1,000 total visitors—after six months!
Upon examining their content I found a treasure trove of niche content which simply needed a little love. Confident I could improve their online presence I made Chicago Gang History an offer they couldn’t refuse.

After committing to work with us I registered Chicago Gang History a new domain name, migrated their content, overhauled their SEO and worked with them to redevelop and relaunch in 6 days.
Audience Growth
During their first six months with Comfusion Chicago Gang History experienced healthy audience growth even without social media. Leveraging organic traffic I grew their online presence from less than 200 users per month to over 18,000.

- Total visitors during first 6 months: <1,000
- Total visitors 6 months after Comfusion redesign: 48,856
Traffic from SEO
Thanks to a large amount of unique content, a well structured information architecture and structured data SEO made growing the user base an organic affair, enabling the author to work on creative writing and making small site adjustments as opposed to social binging, as shown here:
I measured how quickly Google noticed the site and started sending new users. Here’s how many came in, and how fast it happened:
- 43 days after launch, over 50 new organic users per day
- 53 days after launch, over 100 new organic users per day
- 79 days after launch, over 200 new organic users per day
- 97 days after launch, over 300 new organic users per day
- 151 days after launch, over 500 new organic users per day
- Began generating revenue within first three weeks
- Started turning profit in less than 2 months
- Reached Page 1 of Google 37 days from launch for primary key phrase
- Receives 75% of its traffic from mobile and tablet
- Website has been mentioned in the news
Services provided
- Identity protection for domain owner
- Domain name procurement and management
- Site migration from WordPress
- Web design, development, hosting and maintenance
- Client portal to add, edit and remove site content
- SEO, launch marketing and growth consulting
- Website monetization with transparent reporting
- Over 250 pages of niche content and media
- Responsive design optimized for phone and tablet
- Realtime analytics and user monitoring
- Cloud CMS integration and CDN performance optimization
- Revenue-generating ads and user-specific related content
- Custom contact form and cloud-based email forwarding
- Newsletter integration for engagement and user retention
I first created my site on WordPress and everything looked great but no traffic was coming in, when I took over a new domain with Comfusion, not only did I end up with a better and sleeker look I ended up with unbelievable traffic and climbed to the 2nd page on Google search in just a matter of weeks!
Zach Jones, Author of Chicago Gang History