
Google to Start Censoring Telegram

3 minute read Enclosure Updated

Fake news or justifiable warning? You be the judge.
I saw a message today stating the “Google Play Store is now censoring certain pages on Telegram if you downloaded the app through them.” The message suggested a simple workaround to download the app directly from telegram.org/android. Here’s the message in its entirety: Google Play Store is now censoring certain pages on Telegram if you downloaded the app through them. To get around this simply download the Android app directly from Telegram themselves.

See You on Telegram

4 minute read Enclosure Published

On corporate media disinformation and Big Tech censorship.
When I left Facebook in 2012-2013 I did so knowing I was no longer in full control of how I received information from my friends and acquaintances. Fast-forward to the year 2021 and I’ve now been on Telegram for over 4 years. With Telegram there are no information gatekeepers algorithmically deciding what I can and cannot see, or what may or may not be considered factually correct. As an individual who spent their entire youth choosing for themselves what to believe I wasn’t about to give that up because of some college drop-out who attained “network effect”.