
Copy Files from Linux to macOS Desktop

3 minute read Published

Easily move files machine-to-machine using Deepin 20 and Midnight Commander.

If you need to copy files from a Linux computer to macOS desktop, this short tutorial will explain how using Arch Linux with Deepin 20 and Midnight Commander. Rather than using a Wi-Fi gateway such as a a router, we’ll connect Arch directly to macOS using the Personal Hotspot in Deepin 20 giving us an M2M connection.

Hiding Apps in the Deepin DDE Launcher

3 minute read Published

How to hide or modify main menu apps in Deepin Desktop Environment.
While getting my Invisible Arch set-up I cycled through a few desktops before settling happily on a now very slick and stable Deepin V20, still in beta. Given I’m shifting back and forth between Deepin and GNOME every so often I ended up having multiple apps with the same or similar names appearing in the menu system. To remedy that it’s possible to hide apps shown in the launcher. To hide or modify apps appearing in the Deepin launcher menu install a package called alacarte from the package repository.

Error While Loading Shared Libraries

2 minute read Published cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

After upgrading my Invisible Arch box to use the new Deepin Desktop V20 beta I ran into a hiccup trying to start Ungoogled Chromium:

% chromium
/usr/lib/chromium/chromium: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

What the shit is Initial web searches were fruitless so I fell back to GNU IceCat for a minute while I explored Deepin 20’s buttery new interface. Later I found a debugging trick on to find the problem: