
Show Latest Posts on Github Profile

4 minute read Published

How not to show latest posts on a GitHub profile. An adventure in debugging JavaScript libraries and GitHub actions when happy path is not the case.

I like to blog using the blogging tool I created called After Dark. After some time away from GitHub I began self-hosting my source code with {{ external “" “Gitea” />}}. Since the Microsoft acquisition there are some cool features in GitHub which have brought me back, at least to play around a little with what’s there.

One feature is the ability to showcase latest blog posts on a GitHub profile. I learned about this trick a couple of days ago while doing Kubernetes research for a project I’m working on during my semi-permanent remote placement in Bali.

In this post we’re going to take a look at the feature and see if it’ll be useful in helping showcase my writing for others when they visit my GitHub profile.

Adeng Adeng, GitHub

3 minute read Published

Why I deleted a 10 year-old GitHub account and how I expect it will improve my development workflow in the Saka New Year.

The P20 Pro blinked itself on the morning after Nyepi, alarm sounding as the Hindu island of Bali reopened at the first new moon in March. I looked over at the planning board on the wall. Unlike the day prior, it was now filled with cards ready to be transitioned to the DONE column. Leaving GH wasn’t one.

Amp Up CoffeeScript Coding with Sublime Text

3 minute read Published

How to add syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript to the Sublime Text editor.

Sublime Text with CoffeeScript is a JavaScript developer’s dream, but one that doesn’t evaporate in the fog of sleep shortly after waking. After learning about Sublime Text at Fluent Conf 2012 during a plenary talk from Paul Irish, I immediately began looking for ways to incorporate it into my workflow. And now, after having used it for over 8 months in my day-to-day work, I wanted to share a quick primer for those who want to amp up CoffeeScript coding with Sublime Text too.

Push Upstream with EGit and Eclipse Indigo

3 minute read Published

Using Eclipse IDE to push files to remote upstream using EGit.

While working through the EGit User Guide I ran into difficulty pushing files upstream using Eclipse Indigo SR1 (build 20110916-0149). The difficulties manifested themselves at first with an auth failed error, which was quickly resolved with a visit to Stack Overflow. But after fixing that problem I began seeing the following error while trying to push to a remote repo:

Cannot get remote repository refs.

ssh:// Passphrase for C:\Users\...\.ssh\id_rsa