
Lens App Primer for Kubernetes with K3s

11 minute read Updated

A practical introduction to Lens with K3s and cert-manager.

Discovered a cool desktop app for managing Kubernetes clusters I want to share called Lens. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a K3s cluster and use Lens metrics to introspect on the cluster. Finally we’ll use Lens to install cert-manager on your cluster for the purpose of issuing SSL certs.

Amp Up CoffeeScript Coding with Sublime Text

3 minute read Published

How to add syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript to the Sublime Text editor.

Sublime Text with CoffeeScript is a JavaScript developer’s dream, but one that doesn’t evaporate in the fog of sleep shortly after waking. After learning about Sublime Text at Fluent Conf 2012 during a plenary talk from Paul Irish, I immediately began looking for ways to incorporate it into my workflow. And now, after having used it for over 8 months in my day-to-day work, I wanted to share a quick primer for those who want to amp up CoffeeScript coding with Sublime Text too.

Get Sideways with HTML5 in Eclipse

3 minute read Published

How to use HTML5 coding syntax with syntax highlighting in Eclipse IDE.

There are few front-end web developers I know who actually use the Eclipse editor for development. Whether it’s the complexity of the IDE or simply resistance to change I cannot say. Working with Eclipse on enterprise apps has some serious advantages when it comes to working in multidisciplinary teams. And wrenching on a UI is no exception.

As of late HTML5 is beginning to bear the shine of a recently waxed Tesla Roadster. It’s hard not to want to jump right in and hit the gas. But wait, the HTML5 spec is still in draft. Is it safe to turn over the ignition? Well, it depends. But here are 5 Reasons Why You Can Use HTML5 Today ( archive).

Last year when Eclipse Helios was released HTML5 didn’t validate within the IDE. But somewhere between that release and the latest Helios service release, support was added for actual *native* HTML5 ( archive) elements in Eclipse, no plugin required! And you don’t need to be running Aptana either. Awesomesauce!

The following instructions will help Eclipse newcomers and experienced client-side developers alike get started, kinda like a big smokey burnout.