
After Dark

Rapidly build content-rich websites with Hugo's fastest zero-dependency dark theme.

:: Node / Vue / ES6 / Fuse / Docker / CSS3 / Bash

after dark homepage

After fighting with WordPress on my personal blog for 5 years starting back in 2008 I like many others switched to static. With Jekyll as my generator I found a lot to love over the years. After 3 years and an increasing amount of content I became familiar with Jekyll’s speed and scaling issues and ended up resorting to workarounds to avoid them, hurting my publishing cadence in the process.

Dissatisfied with Jekyll and after considerable product analysis I eventually discovered Hugo. Before switching I did a multi-year experiment with Hugo before deciding to jump ship for good. After Dark was the result.

Textfiles Mirror

Neoclassic port of the well-regarded textfile archive site Now with 57,000+ never-before-seen textfile preview pages.

:: Hugo / After Dark / Shell / HTML / CSS / ES6

The textfiles-mirror website is an ambitious port of Jason Scott’s website to After Dark. This “dot-bit”-ready site includes a number of unique features not available on any existing mirror including 57,000 preview pages with both light/dark themes.

This site was built to stress-test Hugo to determine the limits of scale for the static site generator which claims to be one of the fastest. At this scale, Hugo chews up about 14GB memory to build the site and requires approx. 1-2 minutes to build on an 8-core i7.

Textfiles index page with light theme enabled

Git-based Continuous Delivery with Rio

16 minute read Published

Using Rio in a compact Kubernetes cluster for Git-based continuous delivery.

Rio is a MicroPaaS for Kubernetes designed to run using minimal resources. Rio provides automatic DNS and HTTPS, load balancing, routing, metrics and more. Use it to remove the chore of creating and managing a secure IT infrastructure.

k3s is a lightweight, certified Kubernetes distribution capable of running on constrained hardware and therefore ideal for local, edge and IoT substrates. K3s was originally developed for Rio but useful enough to stand on its own.

Today I’m going to show you how to easily set-up k3s and Rio on Manjaro Linux MacBook and use them to create a self-hosted, git-based continuous delivery pipeline to serve your own website.

If you’re not yet familiar with Kubernetes, no problem. Please let this gentle introduction serve as your practical guide. When you’re finished you’ll have a better understanding of the concepts and tools used in container orchestration and a shiny new website you can use to demonstrate your skills.

Hugo Deploy: Migrating from S3 Website

10 minute read Published

How to install and configure Hugo for Amazon S3 deployments using Docker.
Scala is great and all though I’m not familiar with it and the maintainer of the deployment tool I’ve been using since 2016 ended active support for s3_website earlier this year. That’s too bad because s3_website was a huge breath of fresh air for me given its support for deploying both Jekyll and Hugo, among others. In addition to its support for various generators s3_website also has some novel features for deployments to AWS not trivial otherwise including:

Consolidate a Jekyll site with Hugo

8 minute read Published

How to migrate a website hosted on Jekyll into an existing Hugo site.

Three years ago I started a website called to scratch an itch after discovering Hugo and starting development on After Dark. At the time my primary website was running Jekyll and build times were nearing the 2-3 minute mark for little more than 70-80 blog posts.

Zero to HTTP/2 with AWS and Hugo

5 minute read Updated

A step-by-step guide to creating your own JAMstack site using Amazon Web Services and the Hugo static site generator.

So you found out how Smashing Magazine got 10x faster and want to create your own JAMstack website with Hugo. If so, you’re in luck because I’m going to show you how to do it using Amazon Web Services so you don’t end up paying through the nose for hosting or locked into a provider which might disappear.

Why You Should Choose Hugo

2 minute read Updated

In a sea of choice, which static site generator will you choose?

Many are familiar with the idea of static site generators like Jekyll and why they should use them. But Jekyll isn’t the only SSG out there. In fact, there are literally hundreds of SSGs guaranteed to give you analysis paralysis. With so many to choose from it can be difficult to decide which to use.