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Writing on various topics including travel, finance and technology.

Unlimited Free International Calls to the United States

4 minute read Published

How to get Google Voice and make free phone calls to the US from anywhere.
Back in 2011 I explained how I was able to make unlimited free international calls to the USA while traveling abroad. That was back when Android was on version 2.2. Since then a lot has changed. But one thing that has remained constant is the use of Google Voice to get free stuff. In this post I will explain how anyone, anywhere in the world, can use Google Voice to make unlimited free international calls to the United States of America.

Install Extensions Ungoogled Chromium

2 minute read Published

Bypassing Google to install Chrome Extensions ripped from the Web Store.

I recently started using Ungoogled Chromium on Invisible Arch Linux after looking for alternatives to Firefox. After a couple weeks of use I can say Ungoogled Chromium is a great browser and it’s become my goto alternative to GNU IceCat on Linux when not using Tor Browser. The only downside I found is that you need to jump through a few hoops to install Chrome Extensions.

But it’s not that much work to get extensions running in Ungoogled Chromium. And you don’t even need a Google account. Let me show you how.

Hiding Apps in the Deepin DDE Launcher

3 minute read Published

How to hide or modify main menu apps in Deepin Desktop Environment.
While getting my Invisible Arch set-up I cycled through a few desktops before settling happily on a now very slick and stable Deepin V20, still in beta. Given I’m shifting back and forth between Deepin and GNOME every so often I ended up having multiple apps with the same or similar names appearing in the menu system. To remedy that it’s possible to hide apps shown in the launcher. To hide or modify apps appearing in the Deepin launcher menu install a package called alacarte from the package repository.

Getting Started with Yew for Rust

4 minute read Published

Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps with WebAssembly.

Today we’re going to create a starter website using Yew for Rust. This should take you about 20-30 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection and computer. At the outset you will have a website so bleeding edge you didn’t even feel the cut. Kind of like how Node developers didn’t see Deno coming…

To get started install or upgrade Rust. If you don’t have Rust installed, you can install it from the stable channel using the following command:

Play Ultima Underworld on Arch Linux

2 minute read Enclosure Published

Everything you need to play Ultima Underworld II on Arch Linux or Manjaro.

The last time I played my favorite computer game was almost 5 years ago now back in 2015. After recenty creating textfiles.bit I went and was saddened to see they started charging to download Ultima Underworld.

That’s okay though as I found a different site which still had a free copy. In case I don’t find the site again I’ve enclosed the game archive with this post. And the following are instructions on how to play it on Linux.

Error While Loading Shared Libraries

2 minute read Published cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

After upgrading my Invisible Arch box to use the new Deepin Desktop V20 beta I ran into a hiccup trying to start Ungoogled Chromium:

% chromium
/usr/lib/chromium/chromium: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

What the shit is Initial web searches were fruitless so I fell back to GNU IceCat for a minute while I explored Deepin 20’s buttery new interface. Later I found a debugging trick on to find the problem:

(Rolling Down) Katamari Drive

2 minute read Enclosure Published

Using FFMpeg to combine CC-licensed works.

Inspired by a chiptune topic on ZeroNet I downloaded one of the songs shared using youtube-dl but wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the video encoding. The song on the other hand was great. And thankfully the author’s website was still up so I could download the original MP3 and creating a new video.

I spent a few hours learning FFMpeg from the comfort of the chair behind my Invisible Arch. The manpages for FFMpeg include tons of diagrams and examples so cobbling something together wasn’t as hard as I’d expected. Once I was satisfied with the result I transitioned over to my 2019 Mac to share the video…

Moving GPG Keys Privately

4 minute read Updated

How to privately move your GPG keys from one machine to another.

If you’re a software developer working ethically you’re almost certainly using GnuPG to sign your work. And if you’ve been at it for any length of time you’ve almost certainly been forced to switch machines. Unless your aim is to create a new identity for each machine you use you need a simple, repeatable strategy moving GPG keys privately. Let me show you how.

Secure Your Digital Life

8 minute read Updated

Safeguard your privacy online. Arm yourself with knowledge and use these tips, tools and techniques to secure your digital life.

I’m no Steve Wozniak but I carry a healthy distrust of computers. After hearing of the Equifax data breach affecting the privacy of more than 145 million Americans, learning Uber paid and tried to cover up the loss of 57 million driver and passenger records and seeing the lasting impact of the Meltdown attack I’m starting to understand the gravity this quote from Woz:

Putting WordPress into Hyperdrive

2 minute read Updated

Prepare for Ludicrous Speed with a 300% improvement in page load time.

After giving a talk once in Bali – where I showed how to use a $5 Vultr box and Redis with Load Impact to support up to 7000 concurrent WordPress users – I was asked to help turn some of the performance optimization work demoed into a WordPress plug-in.

It’s the first of it’s kind — and like no other performance plugin to precede it. Based on initial tests it speeds up the stock Twenty Seventeen theme about 300% and I suspect time will show even greater gains for other themes. It builds on top of a performance optimization technique called Fetch Injection, enabling external scripts to download asynchronously in parallel while preserving execution order.